July 12th, 2018


13 Workplace Analytics Every IT Leader Should Track

There are several intended and expected outcomes when a company installs room displays. Chief among those being injecting a bit of structure into an otherwise unruly meeting room culture. But those who choose the right room display will soon uncover benefits they might not have anticipated.

A tablet mounted on the wall becomes much more when powered with the right room scheduling software. Here are three ways room displays can improve productivity at your business:

  1. Enable Work Requests from the Display
  2. Increase the Availability of Meeting Spaces
  3. Make Space Booking Easy

1. Enable Work Requests from the Display

Making work requests right from the room display streamlines everyday processes.

We’ve all been there: you’re halfway through a presentation when the screen share to the conference room’s TV suddenly stops working. Before you know it, the meeting is off the rails, running long, and causing even more havoc with scheduling conflicts. What can we do the next time this inevitable circumstance arises?

You could be like our dear friend, the Tech Waiter. You know the one that sits in the conference room, growing old as they insist on “waiting” for the tech to gain enough emotional awareness to self-soothe and fix itself. But it’s not the Tech Waiter’s fault. He’s really suffering from a lack of the right technology that seamlessly communicates issues to the appropriate point-of-contact.

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When you have the right technology, you can opt for the more productive approach and submit a work request right from the conference room display. It’s as easy as walking up to the display, tapping a few buttons, and providing a brief describing of the issue. Whether the issue goes into the appropriate contact’s email inbox or an issue tracking system, the time spent by the meeting attendees on the issue reduces.

With work requests submitted right from the conference room display, the everyday processes associated with reporting and responding are streamlined. Employees have a simple way to interact with IT and report common issues, while IT teams are enabled to manage equipment and their time more efficiently.

2. Increase the Availability of Meeting Spaces

With better visibility and reserve-ibility, you get more availability.

It’s a tale as old as time, told by employees across the globe: “We need more conference rooms!” Before you start planning the expansion, take a look at how you manage your existing space. After all, it’s not just people that can be more productive with the right room display. They can make spaces more productive, too, by making them more available. Room displays make meeting spaces more available in two key ways: by increasing visibility and reserve-ibility. (Yes, we know reserve-ibility isn’t technically a word. But the “-ibility” repetition was too good to pass up.)

The first way a conference room display makes meeting spaces more available is through increased visibility. Seeing what meeting space is in-use can be challenging — unless walking around and poking your head into every conference room is something you enjoy. But with a room display, the status of the room is literally on display. Information including whether the room is open for use, upcoming meetings, and available times are all visible right on the tablet.

Check out how MX, a fast-growing fin-tech provider, uses a custom conference room display theme with a “red light, green light” aesthetic to quickly and clearly communicate room occupancy. MX is a shining, real-world example of using technology to optimize workplace experience.


The second way room displays positively impact availability is through increasing the reserve-ibility of spaces. But, this only happens when the conference room display is powered by scheduling and booking software that offers a check-in feature. Right before a scheduled meeting, the display in that room creates a check-in screen. Someone in that meeting can then click on it to confirm the use of the room; otherwise, that event is removed from the calendar so someone else can book it. Employees can also voluntarily end a meeting early to free up space.

And Just like that, your meeting spaces become more available. Those rooms that would have sat empty are opened up, increasing reserve-ibility for employees.

3. Make Space Booking Easy

Employees can book from the room display and beyond!

Meeting room management only works if there are intuitive options for employees to use to book spaces. One of those options absolutely has to be the room display itself. Employees can walk right up to the tablet mounted outside of the meeting room and reserve it or any other space with just a few taps.

While scheduling through the room display is a must-have, there need to be other options to book spaces, too. Like booking on their smartphones using a mobile app, or from their computers using a browser-based tool. But no matter what method they use, the same room capacity and technology information is right at their fingertips. Once a space is booked, it’s updated throughout the entire system and, of course, on the room display.

Keep the Productivity Going

The typical employee sits through 61 meetings every single month. That’s a boat-load of time spent preparing for, sitting through, and following up on meetings. Which means your organization needs to find ways to make the process of having meetings as productive as possible. Outfitting your office with the right room displays is the first step, but what else can you do?

Learn tips to be more productive during your workday AND ideas to promote efficiency throughout your entire organization in this on-demand webinar. Go forth and make your workplace more productive, today!


Rob Zimmerman

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